Wednesday, July 31, 2013


"What brings you in today?"

"I'm wanting to have a body scan...just to get an idea if there's anything that needs to be watched"

"Have you been having any problems?"   

"No, but I promised a friend that I'd come and get checked out. She passed away recently from skin cancer. So I'm here now". 

And then I fell apart. 

Like the kind of crying where the tears can't stop coming.  And it turns into the ugly cry. The one where you instinctively cover your face, it's so bad...

I thought I cried all the tears I had when Kim passed, but I guess I was wrong. Maybe it was sitting in a clinical setting that made it worse. 

I remember years ago, when my OBGYN told me the best way to care for my new baby was to take care of myself.  But things happen.  Appointments for us get cancelled, or never get made because we "don't have the time".  Or because the kids are so high up on the list that we get pushed way down, eventually forgotten about. 

Until your friend dies. 

And she leaves a young family, and friends who are sick over her passing.  And then you make the appointment and you GO. 

Let me be your person.  Promise me you will go and get checked.  Even as little as 5 sunburns in a lifetime puts you at risk for skin cancer.  I don't have to know you to know its better that you go and get checked out. 

Promise me. Make the appointment. Go. 

Have a great day, and take care of yourself!


1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: I got the results back, and all is well. No further tests needed :) Glad I went!
