Kim walked through fire for two years. She knew it was stage 4 when she was diagnosed {started out as melanoma}. There is no stage 5. She fought for her children, her husband...and herself.
I had seen Kim when she was at a local hospital, but when she got transferred to the University of Penn, which was farther away, I couldn't get there like I wanted to, and still be back for my kids to get off the bus. So each morning, since I was up worrying anyway, I spent time sending her distant Reiki {I will link this post up with some info on reiki, and talk about it more in another post, but just go with me for a minute...} hoping that even though I was not physically present, that Kim would feel the energy and love from those sessions, and maybe it would give her comfort on some deep level. Sending distant Reiki is something like intercessory prayer, where you pray for someone who is not near you, or maybe who you do not know, and you hope that they feel your prayers, and are comforted.
I finally figured a day when I could get up there, and my husband was working a shift that helped me out w/the kids {that day would be Monday, March 11th}.
Saturday morning, the 9th, I was up early again, and felt upset, moreso than usual. I felt like I needed to bring out the 'big guns', and took my Nana's rosaries for the distant Reiki session that morning. I only bust those out when I need some extra help. Saturday just felt like that kind of day. I sat in my Nana's chair and said a decade of the rosary, and began sending Reiki from the 'blue room' in my house, looking out a window towards the sunrise. But the energy was totally different. It felt thick, slow, not pushing your hand through gel. It made me panic. As I moved through her energy centers {you envision the person standing or lying in front of you} and got to her root chakra, I felt very little energy at all. This should be a strong point, it is your life energy. I felt very little life in her, and I was very overwhelmed with emotion.
I didn't want to alarm Kim's best friend, but I texted her around 8 am saying I need to talk with you about the Reiki I sent today.....because maybe I was wrong in how I percieved the energy {I had hoped I was wrong}. I figured I'd explain it to her on the phone later on. But at 9:30 am I got the call from Kim's husband that she wasn't going to make it through the day. I needed to come to Penn. What I felt was real.
Luckily my sister was around to take me to the hospital so I could be with her, and when I got there, Kim's best friend asked if I would do Reiki for her with the family, so I did. One of Kim's sons was there, so I explained what I was doing as I moved through the session so he would understand. There was so much love in the room, the energy was palpable and overwhelming. I could feel the love coming from Kim's heart chakra into the room for her family. Her physical body was fading at an alarming rate, but her soul was in high gear, and she made it known to me she wasn't really leaving this family. She would be with them forever.
I told her that I loved her, stroked her hair, her hand, and told her that it was okay to go. She had fought hard and long enough. I promised to help look after the kids, the house, whatever she needed. Many of us would take up for her, so not to worry. Even in her comprimised state she tried to ask me how I was doing. I told her she could stop being the perfect hostess...we were there for her now.
Kim passed away at 8pm, surrounded by the love of family and friends. It's interesting how when someone passes who you love, it takes your breath away too.
I never got the Monday visit in~Monday never came for her. I drove home yesterday and realized I should've been driving up to Penn for that visit. Lost my mind. But if I truly believe what I say I do, then I didn't have to drive anywhere to see her, she was already with me. Heaven isn't a far away place, it is right here. We walk among our loved ones, we just need to learn how to interact with them in new ways. Energy cannot be destroyed, and one day we will all get to understand what that means.
Until then, I'll be talking to her like she's in the room, praying for her family's strength, and trying to live up to my promise. That's all we would want if it were us, right?
Be in the moment today....
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