Deciding to go to work part time {for the school district I used to work for as a full-time teacher} has been great for me and my family. I can get my kids on the bus everyday, and I'm home way before the school bus brings them home. I can't ask for more {except a bigger paycheck but that won't happen in a part time position, let's be honest}. So I heard from a friend about how she started her own business through Rodan + Fields Dermatologists, and it made me curious. Another avenue to possibly make money that would still allow me to work around my children's schedules. Hmmm.

But I have never been in sales before...and I never worked in the beauty business before....and what the heck was I thinking? But after hearing about the business, and how much the company supports it's business owners, it was almost silly to pass up being a part of this growing, billion dollar industry. I figured why not give it a try. I'd go all in. Give it solid commitment, and if I was able to maintain a positive cash flow, then I would have a new career in the works...and still be able to be 'home' for my girls.
It would even offer me a way to make money during the summer, when my school district job would not be sending me paychecks. And the best perk? Amazing skin care products for myself~everyday~not just once in awhile.
Before I signed on to become my own boss, I 'googled' the company like crazy. I watched every YouTube video on R+F that there was. I tried to find reasons not to go through with is it a pyramid scheme? {No, it's not...} I could not find anything negative~other than if it failed, it would only be because I didn't put any effort into it. This is a business, I'd have to treat it as such. I could do that.
I'm either going to do this, or I'm not. What did I have to lose? I kept hearing that favorite MLK quote in my mind (paraphrased):
"You do not have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step".
So I started to think of the positives...I have been a teacher my entire adult life, clearly I can convey information, and I love learning new things. My friend just died of skin cancer~clearly I had a vested interest in helping women {including myself} protect their skin {R+F product regimens always end with a sunscreen component}. And I am motivated by helping contribute more for my family and our household expenses. Turns out this looked like it could work for me.
So, I did it. I took the next step...I'd never know if I didn't even try, right? How many times have I encouraged my kids to try something new?
That's what I'm doing now. I am an Independent Consultant for Rodan + Fields, and guess what? I'm doing really well, just 4 weeks into my new endeavour. It's something brand new, fun, and it's really the first time I have stepped out of my comfort zone of something 'school-related' as a job. Sure, I still work in my part time job, but this new position is offering me a new confidence in myself I didn't know I had.
Will I do it forever? I don't know. I'm taking it one month at a time. I'm focusing on building my own team, and sharing with other moms what this opportunty is doing for me. I'm trying to 'let go' of the outcome, and just put in the effort, and see where it takes me {this is very NOT like me...letting go of 'control' in a work opportunity}. But I am moving forward, and it's a nice feeling.

Regardless of what you're thinking of doing, go ahead, try it. Step into that uncomfortable space. You will never know what you'll find until you try...
Have a great day!
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