Sunday, December 8, 2013

Infinite Giving

It's that time of know, when we all go nuts trying to find the perfect gift for the people we love.  It's kind of overwhelming, especially when there are so many people to buy for {and thank} for so many reasons.  

There are the teachers {thank god for them}, the bus driver {the man must be a saint, I can barely drive my bus with three kids in it}, the countless therapists/practitioners who help our kids everyday {so important!}.  I'm trying to keep it simple this year, but still, the list is long.

My own kids have made their lists for Santa, and I can't help but think, what DON'T my kids already have?  {Clearly we're blessed to have this problem}

So when a friend posted on Facebook today about donating an animal from Heifer International, I instantly knew it would bring us right back from the "I want" list, to the "what can I do to help someone?" list.

I called my three girls in to huddle around my laptop, and I explained how Heifer International provided animals to families in need all around the world.  The gift of these animals is a gift that gives indefinitely, because as their animals {whichever you choose} reproduce, the family promises to gift the offspring to other families in their community, and so's the perfect way to pay it forward~forever.  My business has given me the opportunity to give back in such bigger ways this year, and I have total appreciation for that now.

So it's the initial gift of the animal or animals, that helps end hunger in their family or provide an income {selling eggs, wool, cheese} which can, in turn, send children to school, maybe for the first time in their lives.  When I tried to explain that part, I kept welling up.  It's kind of overwhelming when you take a minute to consider all the things we really take for granted.  I know I don't stop to appreciate basics like that enough.

We browsed the "Animals" section on the website, and they all agreed on the Basket of Hope.  It will provide rabbits and a flock of chicks to a family, as well as education on how to care for their animals, and the importance of passing the gift on to others.  It's not the most expensive item by far, but it's a start.  

One of my daughters asked, "How will they know it's from us?".  I tried to explain that the family will know the animals came from people somewhere in the world who cared for them, and it gets written on your heart, so it's OK they don't know who you are.  That's kind of the fun part.  It's our secret {except I'm telling all of you, in hopes that maybe you will do the same...}.

Check it out.  Maybe make it a family gift?  From this point on, it will be a tradition, for certain.  I typed up Honor Cards that each of my girls will get in the mail in a week or so, thanking them for their gift.  

Just make sure your kids realize they don't get to keep the animals, since mine are still asking how many chickens we will be housing.... :)

Have a great night!



The Hope Basket includes a gift of rabbits and a starter flock of chickens. Families also receive training and education in the animals' care to make sure their hope becomes a reality.

The gift of a Hope Basket:
Provides eggs and protein for nourishment
Boosts income through sales of extra eggs and offspring
Passes on the Gift to others, since animals multiply quickly

Rabbits are easy to care for and can reproduce in a short amount of time. Chickens lay eggs and provide manure for vegetable gardens. Your gift provides hope for struggling farmers looking for a way out of poverty.

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