Thursday, February 14, 2013


Happy Valentine's Day!  Last night I stood in the kitchen, feverishly cutting out paper hearts.  Before the kids went up to bed, my youngest daughter said, "Hey Mom, I can't wait to wake up and follow that trail of hearts you make for us every year!  You know, the path that leads us to our special treats?  Yeah, that".

"Sure, of course I will do that for you again!".  Oh crap.  I forgot to cut out the hearts.  I bought the little gifts, got the cards and the chocolate...but the path!  How could I forget about the path?

You can guess I didn't have the hearts cut out before I went through every scrap of scrapbook and construction paper, even finding some pink paint sample cards in the mix, and started cutting...  I got the path set up, staged their little gifts on the table (which included new toothbrushes for the amount of sugar that would be rotting their teeth) and went to bed.

When I woke up, I found a path of my own to follow...of roses.  Looks like my husband was busy last night too~he left in the middle of the night for work to have a special date with a 'certain group', to give some lucky criminal a Valentine's wake up call {side note: if you don't want 'special' wake up call, don't do really bad things, or hurt's easy~be nice to people, that's it}.  My path led me to treats of my own~chocolate and wine.  As a mom, I really don't want anything else.

So it turns out that the little things, the hearts on the floor, and the surprise path of roses meant something to me too.  It's just knowing that you were remembered.  And that someone took the time to show you that they remembered.  It's no wonder that it stuck in my little ones brain, those hearts on the floor from years past.  Even something little can mean alot, even to a grown-up like me :)

Have a great day!


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