{Let me give a shout out to all the D.A.D.S reading this...I have a friend with some super great kids, one of whom has Down Syndrome. He liked a recent post, and that makes me happy. I hope these posts are helpful! Another friend, who also has amazing kids is my friend Amy, you can find her blog here. She offers the Mommy perspective on having a child with Down Syndrome.}
{See, I told you I can go on a bit, now back to business......}
When you decide that you are ready to meet with the doctors, or therapists who will be steering you in which direction you need to go for help for your child. It's important that even though you may feel unclear about exactly what is going on, you need to have specific talking points to discuss with the doctors. If you choose to walk in completely unprepared, you may as well throw that co-pay money out the window and save yourself the drive to the hospital, or doctors office. You are not helping your cause.
I am going to give you an overview of what my over-achieving self walked in with that day, for that first steering meeting for my daughter. I am not saying you need to walk in with a novel, but do yourself a favor and take something. You will impress yourself with your level of preparedness, and it offers a sense of control over what may feel like an area where your hands are tied.
Even though I was walking in to discuss everything I felt wasn't "quite right", my first talking point was of how amazing my daughter is. I discussed her strengths specifically. Remember in an earlier post I said to be clear about what those strengths are~don't tell them she 'likes to play'. Um, this is not helpful...this describes almost every kid on earth. Be specific in your child's strengths. Just take your time. Think. Write them down.
I broke my areas of concern down into several areas, then expanded on each area with specific examples of what I was referring to. It's amazing how things become clear when you write them down. Things I thought I could not really articulate seemed to come to the surface in a very tangible way. Give yourself some credit before you even start. You can do it with or without an 'education' background. Promise.
And the "areas" I focused on are....{well, a whole section on strengths first, and then....}
- Physical Issues
- Auditory Issues
- Speech and Language Issues
- Academic/School Concerns
- Physical Issues-
- Was there anything of note when your child was born? Did anything go wrong? Was there something odd that the doctors could not explain? There was for us. Sometimes things that seem odd at birth can affect a child later in life. Sometimes those things do not surface until the child is school age. Sit in a quiet place, and try to remember. Maybe I will expand on this down the road...
- Does your child have any aversion to textures? Smells? Clothing?
- Is there behavior out of the ordinary during daily, 'ordinary' situations? Is there a pattern?
- Is your child a rough, physical type of play kid? Or does your child remove themselves from other children? Remember, parallel play {where children play independently with the same toys/game side-by-side another child} is developmentally appropriate in young children, but not so much as they get out of pre-school. Then it can become detrimental to their social development. If you need to, 'Google' "developmentally appropriate play for my _____year old child". You will easily find checklists that may guide you in the right direction, or point out red flags.
- Does your child have a sense of danger that you feel is appropriate? Are they reckless? Have they ever had a head injury? These two areas {appropriate fear and brain injury} can be very closely tied together, and the doctors will want to know this.
- Auditory Issues
- Can your child follow a 2-step direction? More steps? Less steps?
- Do they respond to you when you are in crowded spaces where noise is a factor {like if you are in BJ's, or Costco...the acoustics in there are rough}?
- Does the child complain that they cannot hear the teacher, yet their hearing screenings have come back perfect?
- Speech and Language Issues
- Can your child explain what they are trying to say, or do they get frustrated and shut down?
- Does your child understand that words have specific meanings? Like when you point to a door, it is always called a "door", not the "window", or the "wall". Mislabeling things is a speech and language concern.
- Academic Concerns
- What are the child's teachers saying? Where are their areas of concern? They spend many hours with your child each week~listen to what they observe.
- Is your child socially aware, or awkward in classroom situations? You may be surprised how different your child acts in school. Home is a comfortable place....school can be daunting. Their behavior can say alot about what is going on with them socially/emotionally within the classroom.
- Does your child participate willingly in classroom discussions?
Make it something like the above structure. It will give you talking points, and the doctors a framework to start with. They are learning about your child, and this information will be invaluable.
Just don't walk in with a rambling manifesto like the unibomber, that would be weird {I have taught you better than that}....you got this! Any questions, ask me.
Have a great day!
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