Thursday, July 11, 2013

What "Drives" Me...

It's been 5  months since I became involved with Rodan+Fields. What I love about the business is how it gives me the freedom to work around my kids schedules, and honestly, I can make this business whatever I want it to be~ a casual shoe account or a salary replacing one. It's up to me.  I'm in the process of moving from the shoe account/day-trips-with-the-kids account to the significant salary's exciting, and extremely motivating.

I'm an avid reader, and on a recent trip to the library, I picked up the book, Drive, by Daniel H. Pink.  
I didn't realize until I got into the book that it described exactly what working my Rodan and Fields business is for me. 

He describes motivation in business as a carrot and stick enterprise, until some super smart researchers realized that lasting motivation, in any circumstance, was rooted in intrinsic motivation. Companies that offered these particular aspects had the highest productivity, and greatest success. I couldn't help but think of R+F and that this is precisely why I think it is so enormously successful. 

Here's what Daniel says are the three most important aspects to having a highly successful anything:

1. Autonomy
2. Mastery
3. Purpose

Being self directed, and having the ability to determine:
     1.The task you need to accomplish
     2.The time that you need to devote to the task, as well as when it gets done
     3.The technique in which you carry out your goals

I couldn't help but notice that having autonomy in my business with R+F is exactly what makes it so appealing. I have total control of my task, time, and technique. I can answer questions by email, make phone calls, chat about what I'm doing while at a school function... Or not. It's entirely up to me. No one is asking me if I got something done or giving me a deadline. I set my own goals. And I reach them based on what I determine is the best way to do so. And I never miss a thing with my daughters. Because of the way we conduct business, it doesn't even feel like I'm working. I'm sharing an opportunity.  I'm promoting an amazing product with clinical results that proves our products do what they're intended to do for your skin.
Although I'm self-directed, I'm part of a larger community of consultants {nurses, lawyers, moms, pharmaceutical employees....} who want nothing more than to see each other succeed.  If I have a question about a product, policy, or anything.....I merely put it out there, and in minutes I have answers from consultants all over the country.  It's very empowering to be part of such a supportive organization.  You do not find that in many work-life situations.  And my experience is not unique.  It's how we operate.

Being engaged in the pursuit of getting better and better at the task at hand. As Daniel points out, it requires that you understand that your abilities are not finite, but 'infinitely improvable'. 

R+F has set a business development library for us as consultants. We were not born understanding the skin care business, and the doctors don't expect that we were. There are trainings for every product, as well as anything related to the business you could imagine. We also have a nurses call line, where anyone can call in and ask questions related to products, skin concerns, and the like. 
It's a constant learning environment, and maybe that's what keeps it so intriguing. It's probably what makes me 'fall down the rabbit hole' when I'm digging into a product training document. It's easy to get lost when you are engaged in something challenging and interesting. 

Help my family
Help fund charitable efforts
Help other people get amazing skin
Help other women realize their dreams through owning their own business

Pink describes the purpose motive within organizations as:
"...expressing itself in three ways: in goals that use profit to reach purpose, in words that emphasize more than self interest, and the policies that allow people to pursue purpose on their own terms. This move to accompany profit maximization with purpose maximization has the potential to rejuvenate our businesses and remake our world". 
My purpose for entering into this business is first and foremost, to help my family financially while not taking myself out of all the fun life moments. Since I gave up my full time teaching job when I had my first daughter, we have made significant sacrifices to make our "one salary life" work. It hasn't always been easy. We have been getting by, but not getting ahead. 

I knew by joining R+F, I could leverage a global brand that has instant legitimacy, with clinically proven products, created by the doctors.  I loved that they had already been in the #1 position in high-end department stores like Nordstrom's, and had a corporate dream team to help us expand our brand in the USA, and eventually around the world.  They give back to our communities, and have a special foundation called Prescription for Change which seeks out specific programs to support which serve individuals and families in the most dire need of assistance.

Now that I'm involved with the business, I see all of the other aspects where my R+F income can be a boost. Every Christmas I have a particular special 'good deed' that I carry out on Christmas Eve. I won't get into it, but it benefits two special families each year. I am looking forward to Christmas Eve this year, knowing I am planning to (at least) double what I normally carry out. The holidays are tight, I am not going to lie. One of my daughters birthdays falls right around Christmas....(choke, choke).  You can imagine there isn't that much room for the "other" category which my secret gifts reside in.  This year, R+F will fund that "other" category, quite easily, without touching my family's finances. 

I also have a goal of making enough extra income to get to Madrid, Spain, to see my long-ago host sister, Patricia.  She lived with me in high school and I would LOVE to see her again, and meet her beautiful family.  Email is a great way to keep up with each other, but an in-person visit would be amazing.

If that isn't motivating, then I don't know what is...

If this business seems intriguing to you, contact me, and I would be glad to give you any information you need to make the decision that is right for you. If you are anywhere in the United States, I can launch you into this business via Skype and get you up and running towards your goals. 
If you are in Canada, we are coming to you in January 2014. To say that this is an unmatched opportunity would be an understatement! As a potential Consultant, you already have the benefit of seeing how this company has exploded into the USA at-home skin care market, and how the company supports us.  It's like you've gotten a glimpse of your future, and it's growth potential that is unlimited....! 

We will be a global company in the next 3-5 years. This is only the beginning. Think about your connections. Think about who they know. Think about how you can be the one who helps change people's lives, while changing their skin for the better. 

I am a new person because of it. 

Have a great day!


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